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Verse-Proxy Build

This is a proxy to control the access allow list of the Verse Layer.
Verse-Proxy is made by Nest.

Verse-Proxy can control following items:

  • jsonrpc methods
  • transaction's from, to, value
  • address which can deploy smart contract

Verse Proxy Build Steps

1. Git clone

git clone

2. Set access allow list

Set the access allow list in following files.
Details are described later.

  • src/config/configuration.ts
  • src/config/transactionAllowList.ts

3. Set up npm

$ npm install
$ npm build

4. Run app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


1. Set PORT


2. Set allow list config

You have to download your allow list config to $PWD/src/config.

3. Start container

# chose image version and pull image
docker pull

# create container
docker run --name verse-proxy -d -p $PORT:$PORT -v $PWD/src/config:/usr/src/app/src/config verse-proxy

Control items

Set allowed verse request methods

You can set allowed verse request methods through regex at src/config/configuration.ts.

allowedMethods: [

Default allowedMethods feature are following.

  • It allows methods that may be requested by users
  • It prohibits the methods of executing a transaction with the authority of verse-geth(e.g. eth_sendTransaction)

Set transaction allow list

You can set the allowed transaction list at src/config/transactionAllowList.ts.

from, to

You can control the from and to of a transaction.

// elements contained in the array are allowed to be transacted.
export const getTxAllowList = (): Array<TransactionAllow> => {
return [
fromList: ['0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a'],
toList: ['0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a'],
fromList: ['0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46c'],
toList: ['0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46c'],
// '*' is wildcard.
export const getTxAllowList = (): Array<TransactionAllow> => {
return [
fromList: ['*'],
toList: ['*'],
// ! is denial.
// 0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a are not allowed to be transacted.
export const getTxAllowList = (): Array<TransactionAllow> => {
return [
fromList: ['!0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a'],
toList: ['!0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a'],


You can control the token value of a transaction.

// Only transactions with more than 1000000000000000000unit values are allowed.
export const getTxAllowList = (): Array<TransactionAllow> => {
return [
fromList: ['*'],
toList: ['*'],
value: { gt: '1000000000000000000' },
value's keyComparison Operation
eqtxValue == condition is allowed
nqtxValue != condition is allowed
gttxValue > condition is allowed
gtetxValue >= condition is allowed
lttxValue < condition is allowed
ltetxValue <= condition is allowed


You can control the deployer of a verse.

// Only 0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a can deploy
export const getDeployAllowList = (): Array<string> => {
return ['0xaf395754eB6F542742784cE7702940C60465A46a'];

Set allowed header

You can set whether you inherit proxy request's host header on verse request at src/config/configuration.ts.

inheritHostHeader: true,