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Verse Submitter

The Verse Builder can set Instant Verifier by building Verse Submitter.


Instant Verifier of Verse-Layer for the Oasys Blockchain.

  • Verify the rolluped state by Verse-Layer to the Hub-Layer, create signature and share with other verifiers via P2P.

  • The verifier is also verified by the Hub-Layer validator and can finalize rollups by collecting signatures for 51% or more of total stake amount and submitting it to the verification contract.

  • Verification of rollup state, P2P node, and submission of signatures to verification contracts can be used individually.

  • All Hub Layer Validator need to install a Verse Verifier.


The Instant Verifier requires at least one Replica node of Verse node, which must be operated by someone other than the Verse Builder. The Replica node validates all the transactions coming from the Verse mode. The Instant Verifier refers to this Replica node to verify the Verse's integrity.

Oasys can serve as a Replica node operator. If you'd like us to operate a replica node, please submit your request by filling out the form: To use instant verifier in verse(Mainnet)

Setup Verifier

Download the binary from the releases page and place it in /usr/local/bin/oasvlfy.

  • For AMD / Intel CPU, Please download
  • For ARM based CPU, Please download

Create a daemon user.

groupadd geth
useradd geth -g geth -s /usr/local/sbin/geth -m

Create data and keystore directories.

mkdir -p /home/geth/.oasvlfy /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore
chown -R geth:geth /home/geth/.oasvlfy /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore

Create a submitter's private key. You can use docker image or oasys-validator binary.

  • Using docker image

    # Create a private key.
    docker run --rm -ti \
    -v /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore:/keystore ethereum/client-go \
    --keystore /keystore account new

    # Change owner.
    chown geth:geth /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore/*
  • Using oasys-validator binary

    # Download the geth binary for AMD/Intel CPU.
    curl -Lo \

    # Download the geth binary for ARM-Based CPU.
    curl -Lo \

    # Extract binary.

    # Create a private key.
    ./geth --keystore /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore account new

    # Change owner.
    chown geth:geth /home/geth/.ethereum/keystore/*

    # Delete binary as they are not needed.
    rm geth

Create a configuration file. Click here for a sample.

curl -o /home/geth/.oasvlfy/config.yml \

chown geth:geth /home/geth/.oasvlfy/config.yml

Edit config.yml to set verse submitter.

  • Please check you have verse submitter's private key at the keystore directory.
    • If you do not have a private key, please create one.
    • If password protected, make sure password.txt exists on disk.
  • Please deposit OAS for gas to submitter's wallet on L1(10 OAS or higher).
  • You need to listen 4101(tcp/udp) port so it can send, receive signatures with other verifiers.
# <!-- comment out or delete this block. -->
# signer:
# address: '0x'
# password: /home/geth/.ethereum/password.txt

# Wallet used by Submitter (gas is required)
address: '0x...' # set the your submitter's private key address.
password: /home/geth/.ethereum/password.txt


# Verification worker
enable: false

# Signature submitting worker
enable: true
- chain_id: 420 # Chain ID of your Verse-Layer
wallet: submitter

Create a systemd unit file. Click here for a sample.

curl -o /usr/lib/systemd/system/oasvlfy.service \

systemctl daemon-reload

Run the Verifier.

systemctl start oasvlfy

It may require some time for synchronization between the verifier from database.


If your private key is password protected and you do not want to use password.txt, you must unlock it manually.

oasvlfy wallet:unlock --config /home/geth/.oasvlfy/config.yml --name signer
We highly recommend monitoring memory consumption

If you continue to run the submitter, you may notice that memory usage gradually increases, potentially consuming more than 80% or 90% of the total memory. If you encounter memory consumption issues, please restart the submitter. Restarting has no drawbacks, so you can do it at any time.

Updating Verifier

Check the binary from the releases page.

Download the latest release of verifier and place it in /usr/local/bin/oasvlfy.

  • For AMD / Intel CPU, Please download
  • For ARM based CPU, Please download

Stop the verifier.

systemctl stop oasvlfy

Run the new verifier again.

systemctl start oasvlfy

If your private key is password protected and you do not want to use password.txt, you must unlock it manually.

oasvlfy wallet:unlock --config /home/geth/.oasvlfy/config.yml --name signer

Monitor Verifier

How to check verse verification status

The Instant Verifier stores its data within a SQLite database. Therefore, you can inspect the status of the verification and rollup processes by accessing this SQLite data.

If you have set up the Instant Verifier, you can inspect the db.sqlite file located in the datastore directory, which can be found in the path /home/geth/.oasvlfy/config.yml.

datastore: /data/verse-verifier

To show data, execute SQLite.

sqlite3 /data/verse-verifier/db.sqlite

To better visualize the results of your queries, execute the following commands in SQLite:

.headers on
.mode column

Before examining the Verse verification status, it's essential to confirm your Verse's state_commitment_chain (scc) contract address. You can check the state_commitment_chain address as StateCommitmentChain at addresses.json downloaded from tools-fe.

You can examine your Verse's verification status by running an SQL command with the StateCommitmentChain address as a condition in the WHERE clause.

.header on
.mode column

-- If you want to output in CSV format, uncomment it out.
-- .mode csv

-- Create temporary table for variables.
PRAGMA temp_store=2;

-- Please set the your `StateCommitmentChain` address (without the leading `0x`).
INSERT INTO _vars (name,value) VALUES (
SELECT id FROM optimism_sccs
WHERE HEX(address) = UPPER('<Set here>')

-- Rollup index range to be checked.
INSERT INTO _vars (name,value) VALUES (
SELECT MAX(batch_index) FROM optimism_signatures
WHERE optimism_scc_id = (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'scc')
INSERT INTO _vars (name,value) VALUES (
(SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'last_index') - 40

-- Please overwrite if you want to check a specific rollup index range.
-- UPDATE _vars SET value = '10' WHERE name = 'first_index';
-- UPDATE _vars SET value = '20' WHERE name = 'last_index';

-------- Table1: Display the number of verified verifiers per rollup. --------
-- If you want to output to a file, uncomment it out.
-- .output 'counts.txt'
SUM(CASE WHEN sig.approved = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS approves,
SUM(CASE WHEN sig.approved = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS rejects
FROM optimism_signatures AS sig
WHERE sig.optimism_scc_id = (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'scc')
AND sig.batch_index BETWEEN (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'first_index') AND (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'last_index')
GROUP BY sig.batch_index, sig.approved
ORDER BY sig.batch_index, sig.approved;

-------- Table2: Display signatures received from verifiers. --------
-- If you want to output to a file, uncomment it out.
-- .output 'signatures.txt'
HEX(signers.address) AS signer,
HEX(sig.batch_root) AS 'state',
CASE WHEN sig.approved = 1 THEN 'yes' ELSE 'no' END AS approved,
HEX(sig.signature) AS signature
FROM optimism_signatures AS sig
JOIN optimism_sccs ON sig.optimism_scc_id =
JOIN signers ON sig.signer_id =
WHERE sig.optimism_scc_id = (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'scc')
AND sig.batch_index BETWEEN (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'first_index') AND (SELECT value FROM _vars WHERE name = 'last_index')
ORDER BY sig.batch_index,;

Column data is the following.

For the Table1

batch_indexSerial number of the rollup.
approvesNumber of verifiers who approved to the rollup.
rejectsNumber of verifiers who rejected to the rollup.

For the Table2

idULID of the signature.
signerThe Ethereum address of the verifier who created the signature.
batch_indexSerial number of the rollup.
stateThe StateRoot to be signed
approvedWhether the verifier has verified and approved or not.
signatureOff-chain signature received from verifier

How to monitor logs

Monitor all logs:

journalctl -fu oasvlfy --output=cat --no-pager

Monitor only logs of the your Verse:

journalctl -fu oasvlfy --output=cat --no-pager |
grep -i '<Set the your `StateCommitmentChain` address (without the leading `0x`).>'

How to monitor the submission of validator rollup verification

You can check the following in the submitter log.

  • Submission of validator rollup verification to the verse state_commitment_chain(scc) contract
  • Rollup verification completion

Submission of validator rollup verification

If a validation result for a validator is submitted to state_commitment_chain(scc), 'Sent transaction' will appear in the log.

2023-06-20 10:43:10 INFO [06-20|01:43:10.260] Sent transaction  worker=scc-submitter   scc=0xADFb0D1b239819cC45B7A863DEeac9A54F97eb75 from-index=0 to-index=0 call-size=1 tx=0xfff45b3380eb72a0d02a80b8f6f606759d73317a44618145c0c26358609e9d96 nonce=0 gas-limit=140,994 gas-fee=1,000,000,002 gas-tip=1,000,000,000 caller=scc_submitter.go:501

The above means the following.

  • One validator's validation results are submitted to scc(0xADFb0D1b239819cC45B7A863DEeac9A54F97eb75)
  • Not yet written in BLOCK. It is a transaction that has been sent to the mempool.
  • L1 Submission Transaction hash is 0xfff45b3380eb72a0d02a80b8f6f606759d73317a44618145c0c26358609e9d96.

Submission of validator rollup verification completion

If rollup verification completion, a 'Transaction succeeded' will appear in the log.

2023-06-20 10:43:19 INFO [06-20|01:43:19.262] Transaction succeeded  worker=scc-submitter   scc=0xADFb0D1b239819cC45B7A863DEeac9A54F97eb75 from-index=0 to-index=0 tx=0xfff45b3380eb72a0d02a80b8f6f606759d73317a44618145c0c26358609e9d96 caller=scc_submitter.go:538

The above means the following.

  • Submission of validator rollup verification is completed
  • L1 Submission Transaction hash is 0xfff45b3380eb72a0d02a80b8f6f606759d73317a44618145c0c26358609e9d96.