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Replica Node

You can build a read-only replica node of Verse-Layer.

The read-only verse nodes are synchronized with the verse itself, and users can retrieve information about the verse from the read-only verse nodes. In addition, a replica node can be promoted to a writable origin node.

How synchronization works

There are two ways for synchronizing Verse-Layer's transaction data to the replica node.

Synchronize from Origin

Synchronizes transaction data from the origin node of Verse-Layer. It is similar to the replication function of a SQL database. Transaction data can be synchronized with relatively low latency (500msec ~ 1000msec).

More precisely, the "data-transport-layer" service collects the Verse-Layer transaction data, and the replica node retrieves it and replay it on its own chain to achieve synchronization.

Synchronize from Hub-Layer

Synchronize transaction data from the Hub-Layer's rollup contract (CanonicalTransactionChain). Synchronizing from the Hub-Layer means that only the transaction data which has been fully validated by the Oasys validators will be synchronized. There is a 30~60 seconds synchronization delay because the replica is synchronized after the roll-up transaction from the origin node is finalized.

More precisely, the "data-transport-layer" service collects roll-up events, and the replica node obtains them and replay them on its own chain to achieve synchronization.

Which one should be choose?

If you are the origin node owner of the Verse-Layer and the purpose of creating a replica node is for RPC load balancing, we recommend synchronization from the Origin. Otherwise, synchronization from Hub-Layer is recommended.

Setup Replica to synchronize from Origin

Copy project directory

Copy the verse-layer-optimism project directory from the origin node to the replica node. Exclude the data directory due to its large size.

Example of Using rsync:

$ rsync -av --exclude 'data/' /path/to/verse-layer-optimism/ replica:/path/to/verse-layer-optimism

Override docker-compose

Create a docker-compose.override.yml.

ROLLUP_CLIENT_HTTP: http://<address of the origin node>:7878/

# Do not start containers other than `l2geth`
profiles: [disabled]
profiles: [disabled]
profiles: [disabled]
profiles: [disabled]

Start container

Start the l2geth container.

$ docker-compose up -d

If you see a log like this, the synchronization has been successful.

$ docker-compose logs | head -50
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|08:21:42.696] Starting Verifier Loop poll-interval=500ms timestamp-refresh-threshold=5s
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|08:21:42.698] Syncing transaction range start=0 end=14797 backend=l2
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|08:21:42.700] New block index=0 l1-timestamp=1687925249 l1-blocknumber=78 tx-hash=0xf102dde1f7264b37c5d303b8441f195c2e20da19334abc206d66bd01d1dc3dda queue-orign=sequencer gas=308985 fees=0 elapsed=302.5µs
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|08:21:42.704] New block index=1 l1-timestamp=1687925249 l1-blocknumber=78 tx-hash=0x7d1127a5c67b70e41756b2a1abaa287da261ac3400f97a3485fd70a1feb948e1 queue-orign=sequencer gas=45021 fees=0 elapsed=310.541µs

Setup Replica to synchronize from Hub-Layer

Create project directory

Case 1: If you have the Origin node.

Copy the verse-layer-optimism project directory from the origin node to the replica node. Exclude the data directory due to its large size.

Example of Using rsync:

$ rsync -av --exclude 'data/' /path/to/verse-layer-optimism/ replica:/path/to/verse-layer-optimism

Case 2: If you do not have the Origin node.

  1. Clone the verse-layer-optimism repository provided by the Oasys Foundation.

    $ git clone /path/to/verse-layer-optimism
  2. You have to download the verse settings from tools-fe with chain id or builder address. Please refer to the following to obtain addressses.json and genesis.json, which contain the settings for verse.

  3. Create .env file

  4. Add the Verse Chain ID to the .env file.

    # Layer2 settings

    # You don't need to set private keys



Override docker-compose

Create a docker-compose.override.yml.


# Do not start containers other than `data-transport-layer` and `l2geth`
profiles: [disabled]
profiles: [disabled]
profiles: [disabled]

Start containers

Start data-transport-layer and l2geth container.

$ docker-compose up -d

If you see a log like this, the synchronization has been successful. It will take some time to collect roll-up data from the Hub-Layer immediately after startup.

$ docker-compose logs l2geth | head -100
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:03:28.103] Running in verifier mode sync-backend=l1
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:03:28.103] Configured rollup client url=http://host.docker.internal:47878/ chain-id=420 ctc-deploy-height=8
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:03:28.116] Connected to upstream service
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:03:28.118] Still syncing index=172 tip=9779
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:03:38.129] Still syncing index=1857 tip=9779

~~~ "Still syncing" repeats for a while ~~~

l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:08:28.658] Starting Verifier Loop poll-interval=500ms timestamp-refresh-threshold=5s
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:08:28.664] Syncing transaction batch range start=0 end=1260
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:08:28.669] New block index=0 l1-timestamp=1687925249 l1-blocknumber=78 tx-hash=0xf102dde1f7264b37c5d303b8441f195c2e20da19334abc206d66bd01d1dc3dda queue-orign=sequencer gas=308985 fees=0 elapsed=303.458µs
l2geth-1 | INFO [08-03|09:08:28.672] New block index=1 l1-timestamp=1687925249 l1-blocknumber=78 tx-hash=0x7d1127a5c67b70e41756b2a1abaa287da261ac3400f97a3485fd70a1feb948e1 queue-orign=sequencer gas=45021 fees=0 elapsed=345.25µs

Confirm synchronization

After setup the replica node, please confirm status of synchronization.

Confirm the Genesis Block

Compare hash and stateRoot of the Genesis Block(number=0) between the origin node and the replica node.

$ curl http://<address of the origin node and the replica node>:8545/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["0x0", false], "id":1}' \
| jq '.result | { number, hash, stateRoot }'
"number": "0x0",
"hash": "0x...",
"stateRoot": "0x..."

Confirm the Latest Block

Compare the latest block of the replica node with the block of the same number from the origin node.

Get the latest block of the replica node.

$ curl http://<address of the replica node>:8545/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["latest", false], "id":1}' \
| jq '.result | { number, hash, stateRoot }'
"number": "0x...",
"hash": "0x...",
"stateRoot": "0x..."

Get the same block of the origin node.

$ curl http://<address of the origin node>:8545/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["0x...", false], "id":1}' \
| jq '.result | { number, hash, stateRoot }'
"number": "0x...",
"hash": "0x...",
"stateRoot": "0x..."

Promoting Replica node

The replica node can be promoted to writable origin node.

Stop block creation

Prevents the origin node from creating a new block.

$ docker-compose exec l2geth geth attach -exec 'miner.stop()'

Confirm synchronization

Confirm that the replica node has caught up with the latest block on the origin node. If you are synchronizing from a Hub-Layer, you must wait for the origin node to complete its last rollup.

$ curl http://<address of the origin node and the replica node>:8545/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBlockByNumber", "params":["latest", false], "id":1}' \
| jq '.result | { number, hash, stateRoot }'
"number": "0x...",
"hash": "0x...",
"stateRoot": "0x..."

Stop containers

Stop all containers on the origin node and the replica node.

$ docker-compose down

Be sure to stop the origin node, running multiple Verse-Layer nodes can cause problems.

Unoverride docker-compose

Remove the docker-compose.override.yml.

$ rm docker-compose.override.yml

Modity .env

If you have built a replica node of the type to be synchronized from the Hub-Layer, add private keys to the .env file.




Copying data from the Origin

If you have built a replica node of the type to be synchronizes from the origin node, you must wait until the data-transport-layer service finishes collecting data from the Hub-Layer. If you do not want to wait for the "data-transport-layer", copy data from the origin node.

Example of Using rsync:

$ rsync -av ./data/data-transport-layer/ replica:/path/to/verse-layer-optimism/data/data-transport-layer

Start containers

Start all containers.

$ docker-compose up -d