📄️ Staking Instructions
Guide for staking on Oasys
📄️ Stake via Oasys Staking
1. Staking
📄️ Stake via CLI
oasys-pos-cli is the tool to process staking/unstaking. To install it, please follow the instructions in the Github repository.
📄️ Stake via Contract Call
StakeManager.sol is the contract with which you will interact. This contract has been deployed at the address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001 in both mainnet and testnet. Make sure to refer to the appropriate functions within this contract for staking, unstaking, and claiming, as detailed in the corresponding documentation.
📄️ Export Historical Data
oasfi provides a feature to export historical staking rewards in CSV format. You can download it from the release page. Please ensure to download the latest version.