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Oaspos is client tool for linux.




$ go get && go build -o oaspos


$ oaspos --help 

oaspos - Command Line Tool for manage proof-of-stake of Oasys Blockchain.

Copyright 2022 Oasys | Blockchain for The Games All Rights Reserved.


oaspos [command]

Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
crypto:create-account Create a new account.
help Help about any command
staker:stake Stake tokens to validator.
staker:unstake Unstake tokens from validator.
validator:activate Change the validator status to active.
validator:claim-commissions Withdraw validator commissions.
validator:deactivate Change the validator status to disable.
validator:info Show validator information.
validator:join Join as a validator in the proof-of-stake.
validator:update-commission-rate Update validator commission rates.
validator:update-operator Update the block signing address.

-h, --help help for oaspos

Use "oaspos [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Validator Subcommands

First, set the environment variable to the private key for signing the transaction.

$ export PRIVATE_KEY=0x0123456789abcdfe...

Validator Activate Command

Use the $ oaspos validator:activate command to change the validator status to active.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if you run activate when you are not a validator.
  2. An error occurs if the status of the validator is already activate.
  3. An error occurs when rpc, chainid is not set.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to operate is not set up.
  5. An error occurs if the private key of the validator is not set.
# For mainnet
$ oaspos validator:activate --network mainnet [Validator Flag]

# For testnet
$ oaspos validator:activate --network testnet [Validator Flag]

# For custom
$ oaspos validator:activate --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Validator Flag]

Validator Deactivate Command

Use $ oaspos validator:deactivate command to change the validator status to disable.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if you run deactivate when you are not a validator.
  2. An error occurs if the status of the validator is already inactivated.
  3. An error occurs if you use a custom network, when rpc, chainid is not set.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to excute is not set up.
  5. An error may occur if the private key of the validator is not set up.
# For mainnet
$ oaspos validator:deactivate --network mainnet [Validator Flag]

# For testnet
$ oaspos validator:deactivate --network testnet [Validator Flag]

# For custom
$ oaspos validator:deactivate --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Validator Flag]

Validator Join Command

Use $ oaspos validator:join command to join as a validator in the proof-of-stake.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if you run join when you are not a operator.
  2. An error occurs if the status of the operator is already joined.
  3. An error occurs if you use a custom network, when rpc, chainid is not set up.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to excute is not set up.
  5. An error occurs if the private key of the validator is not set up.
# For mainnet
$ oaspos validator:join --network mainnet [Operator Flag]

# For testnet
$ oaspos validator:join --network testnet [Operator Flag]

# For custom
$ oaspos validator:join --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Operator Flag]

Update Operator Command

Use $ oaspos validator:update-operator command to update the block signing address.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if you run update-operator when you are not a operator.
  2. An error occurs when the address to register as operator is null.
  3. An error occurs if you use a custom network, when rpc, chainid is not set up.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to excute is not set up.
  5. An error occurs if the private key of the validator is not set up.
# For mainnet
$ oaspos validator:join --network mainnet [Operator Flag]

# For testnet
$ oaspos validator:join --network testnet [Operator Flag]

# For custom
$ oaspos validator:join --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Operator Flag]

Staker Stake Command

Use $ oaspos staker:stake command to update the block signing address.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if the address of the validator you entered does not joined.
  2. An error occurs when the amount of tokens to be staked is less than or equal to 0.
  3. An error occurs if you use a custom network, when rpc, chainid is not set up.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to excute is not set up.
  5. An error occurs if the private key of the validator is not set up.
$ oaspos staker:stake --network mainnet [Validator Flag, Tokentype Flag, Amount Flag]

$ oaspos staker:stake --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Validator Flag, Tokentype Flag, Amount Flag]

Staker Untake Command

Use $ oaspos staker:unstake command to unstake tokens form validator.

Errors can occurs in the following situations:

  1. An error occurs if the address of the validator you entered does not joined.
  2. An error occurs when the amount of tokens to be unstaked is less than or equal to 0.
  3. An error occurs if you use a custom network, when rpc, chainid is not set up.
  4. An error occurs if the network on which the command is to excute is not set up.
  5. An error occurs if the private key of the validator is not set up.
#For mainnet
$ oaspos staker:unstake --network mainnet [Validator Flag, Tokentype Flag, Amount Flag]

#For custom
$ oaspos staker:unstake --rpc --chain-id 12345 [Validator Flag, Tokentype Flag, Amount Flag]