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N Suite

Login to N Suite

N Suite

First, loginto N Board, and select Workflow, New Request and Contract method.


Select Method(Join POS)

N Suite

Select StakeManager, Oasys is for a Mainnet, Oasys Testnet is for a Testnet.

N Suite

Select joinValidator(address) if you want to run $oaspos validator:join command in N Suite.

Select Stake Manager

N Suite

Please input, Title of Request, Message for Request, Duedate in advance. Please approve sOAS token use before staking it.

If there is no method for approve sOAS, please contact N Suite team.

On Execution details, Please input Validator Operator in operator(address).

For confirming operator address, run following command on validator pc.

$ sudo -u geth /usr/local/bin/geth attach --exec eth.accounts ipc:/home/geth/.ethereum/geth.ipc


Approve sOAS

If you are using sOAS, you need to approve token.

N Suite

Select sOAS.

N Suite

Select Approve

N Suite

On Spender, please input 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001

Select Method(Stake)

N Suite

Select StakeManager, Oasys is for a Mainnet, Oasys Testnet is for a Testnet.

N Suite

Select stake(address,uint8,uint256) if you want to run $oaspos staker:stake command in N Suite.

Select Stake Manager

N Suite

Please input, Title of Request, Message for Request, Duedate in advance. On Execution details, Please input

You can use owner address previously sent to foundation.

  • token (uint8)
Typetoken number
  • amount (uint256)

Amount you want to stake.

If you are inputing 1.5 OAS, please input:


Updating Bridge Contract

Update the your Verse's bridge contract deployed on the Hub-Layer.

Estimated working time is 30-60 minutes.

1. Get contract address

You will get the address of the bridge contract on this page.

  1. Press the Connect button to establish a connection with Metamask.
  2. Switch the network on Metamask to the Oasys Mainnet. If not registered, please register from the
  3. Enter the Chain ID of your Verse in the form and press the Get Verse Info button.

If the Chain ID is correct, the Verse information will be displayed, so please note the address of L1ERC721Bridge.

2. Register custom contract

Register the ERC721 bridge as a custom contract in N Suite.

  • Name: YOUR_VERSE_NAME / L1ERC721Bridge
  • Address: The address obtained in the previous step.
  • Network: Select the Oasys.

If the address is correct, the ABI will be automatically filled in.

For example:

3. Run Workflow

Create a new workflow. Select Contract Method > Standard method execution for the workflow type.

  • Network: Select the Oasys.
  • From Address: Select the address used for the Verse build (It is referred to as Verse Builder or Verse Owner).
  • Contract: The custom contract registered in the previous step.
  • Method: Select the setCode(bytes).
  • Input data > _code(bytes): Please copy and paste the deployedBytecode of this file from beginning to end without any mistakes.

For example:

Run the workflow after input is complete.

4. Check result

Check if the contract has been successfully updated.

# Enter the address of the bridge contract.



-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getStorageAt", "params":["'$BRIDGE_ADDRESS'", "'$STORAGE_SLOT'", "latest"], "id":1}' \
| jq -rM .result | echo 0x$(cut -c27-))

curl -s $RPC_URL \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getCode", "params":["'$IMPLEMENTATION_ADDRESS'", "latest"], "id":1}' \
| jq -rM .result | md5

If the MD5 hash of the contract code is e73f4d4d142012e33f4860478c935965, the update has been successfully completed.