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Decentralization & Data Availability

Decentralized Public Blockchain

Oasys is an open, decentralized, and public blockchain architecture that is powered by a secure network of permissionless validators that use the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus. Anybody may read, publish, and audit the current operations on a public blockchain network, which contributes to the self-governed, decentralized character typically cited when discussing blockchain.

Oasys, a public network that uses a PoS consensus, operates on an incentive mechanism to promote users and maintain the network dynamic. As such, the validators participate in the core activities of Oasys’ blockchain network. In this sense our blockchain is a very excellent alternative for any genuinely decentralized, democratized, and authority-free functioning blockchain.

This is extremely significant because they may serve as the backbone for practically any decentralized solutions. Furthermore, the large quantity of network partakers joining a secure public blockchain protects it against data breaches, hacker attempts, and other cybersecurity challenges. The more contributors a blockchain has, the more secure it is.

Oasys is designed as a distinct decentralized execution layer working between L1 and L2 solutions and the application layer. It functions as a "decentralized backend," extending the capabilities of existing EVM smart contracts and bringing up a whole new range of possibilities for Web 3.0, especially GameFi.

Oasys is permissionless in nature and allows anyone to join. It provides all nodes of the blockchain equal rights to access the blockchain, allowing them to produce new blocks of data and validate existing blocks of data.

Furthermore, Oasys is designed on the premise that it can be used on sidechains. But a centralized sidechain might be harmful to consumers since the controlling firm can cheat, therefore trusting state machines requires trusting the company. It's the same as trusting a database, so utilizing blockchain is pointless. Another issue is the presence of a single point of failure. When the chain fails for any reason, user assets on it become undeliverable.

Oasys, on the other hand, addresses these challenges by expanding Optimistic Rollup with its own extensions. All transactions on L2's sidechain are validated by Hub-Layer validators, resulting in proportionate distribution shares. Furthermore, data availability is enabled through instant data synchronization, in which L2 state machines are synced to L1 almost instantly.