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After building a Verse, you have to create a Verse explorer. Please use blockscout to create a Verse explorer.

Blockscout v6

Update L2Geth (For Verse v0) Startup Options

The explorer utilizes the txpool and debug namespaces of the JSON RPC to communicate l2geth. Therefore, you need to enable these two namespaces. Please ensure to include these namespaces in the starting options or environment variables.

# In the case of starting options
geth \
... \
--http.api=eth,web3,net,shh,rollup,txpool,debug \
--ws.api=eth,web3,net,shh,rollup,txpool,debug \

# In the case of environment variables
Security Concern Regarding Activating debug and txpool Namespaces

The debug namespace contains dangerous commands, such as setHead(blockNum), which roll back the block head to a past state. Therefore, it's crucial not to expose the raw API to the public. We recommend introduce middleware that blocks requests to the debug namespace. To facilitate this, we offer the verse-proxy solution. Please refer to here: Set allowed verse request methods

As an alternative solution, consider building a read-only replica Verse and then direct the explorer to refer to this replica. Make only the write node's RPC endpoint available to the public, ensuring the debug namespace is disabled.

Regarding the txpool, there isn't as significant a security concern as with the debug namespace. However, it is still advisable not to make it publicly accessible. Opening this endpoint to the public is unnecessary since the explorer offers similar capabilities.

Update op-geth (For Verse v1) Startup Options

The Blockscout explorer requires access to certain JSON-RPC namespaces to function properly with op-geth. Specifically, it needs access to the txpool and debug namespaces. Here is how you can ensure these are enabled:

  1. Locate the Startup Script or Configuration:

    • Find the script or configuration file used to start your op-geth node. This could be a shell script, a systemd service file, or a Docker Compose file.
  2. Enable Required JSON-RPC Namespaces:

    • Modify the startup command or configuration to include the txpool and debug namespaces. You can do this by adding them to the --http.api and/or --ws.api options, depending on whether you're using HTTP or WebSocket for RPC.

    Example startup command:

    op-geth --networkid <your_network_id> \
    ... \
    --http.api "eth,net,web3,txpool,debug" \
    --ws.api "eth,net,web3,txpool,debug" \
  3. Environment Variables:

    • If your setup uses environment variables to define configuration, ensure these namespaces are included in the respective variables for HTTP or WebSocket APIs.

    Example environment variable configuration:

  4. Restart the Node:

    • After making these changes, restart your op-geth node to apply the new settings.
  5. Verify Configuration:

    • Check the logs of your op-geth node to confirm that it starts without errors and that the specified namespaces are available.
    • Use a JSON-RPC client to test connectivity and ensure that the txpool and debug namespaces are accessible.

Environment Variable For Blockscout Backend

When creating a blockscout instance, you have to set the environment variable using blockscout.

You can check the environment variable lists at this page.

When creating a verse blockscout, please set the following environment variables.

DATABASE_URLVariable to define the Postgres Database endpoint.postgresql://postgres:@host.docker.internal:7432/blockscout?ssl=falset (Your DATABASE RPC)
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_VARIANTTells the application which RPC Client the node is usinggeth (Verse uses geth)
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URLThe RPC endpoint used to fetch blocks, transactions, receipts, (Your Verse RPC)
ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URLThe RPC endpoint specifically for the Erigon/Geth/Nethermind/Besu client used by trace_block and trace_replayTransaction. This can be used to designate a tracing (Your Verse RPC)
SECRET_KEY_BASERequired for contract verification. Specify a random string of 64 characters.On Unix, you can create it with the following command
head -c 64 /dev/urandom | base64 | cut -c 1-64
JSON_RPCThe RPC endpoint used to a button of "Add My-Verse" in footer for (Your Verse RPC)
CHAIN_IDUnique identifier for the "My-Verse" blockchain within the Ethereum network. It used to a button of "Add My-Verse" in footer for Metamask.1234 (Your Verse ChainID)
RE_CAPTCHA_SECRET_KEYUsed by advanced CSV exportYour secret key
RE_CAPTCHA_CLIENT_KEYUsed by advanced CSV exportYour client key

If you build verse on the same server, you can set ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL and ETHEREUM_JSONRPC_TRACE_URL as http://host.docker.internal:8545/.

Environment Variable For Blockscout Frontend

You can check the environment variable lists at this page.

NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_PROTOCOLFrontend protocol.http
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_HOSTFrontend UI host.localhost
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAMEDisplayed name of the network.Verse name
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_SHORT_NAMEUsed for SEO attributes (e.g, page description).OoG
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_IDChain id.Your chain id
NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_TESTNETSet to true if network is testnet.true
NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_IDProject id for WalletConnect integration.Wallet connect id
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_RPC_URLChain public RPC server url, see for the reference.-
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOSTMain API host.localhost
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_PLATE_TEXT_COLORText color of the hero plate on the homepage (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead).white
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_PLATE_BACKGROUNDBackground css value for hero plate on the homepage (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead)radial-gradient(103.03% 103.03% at 0% 0%, rgba(183, 148, 244, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 163, 196, 0.8) 100%), var(--chakra-colors-blue-400)
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_LOGONetwork logo; if not provided, placeholder will be shown; Note the logo height should be 24px and width less than 120px.
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_ICONNetwork icon; used as a replacement for regular network logo when nav bar is collapsed; if not provided, placeholder will be shown; Note the icon size should be at least 60px by 60px.
NEXT_PUBLIC_FEATURED_NETWORKSURL of configuration file (.json format only) which contains list of featured networks that will be shown in the network menu. See below list of available properties for particular network.
NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_IMAGE_URLOG image url. Minimum image size is 200 x 20 pixels (recommended: 1200 x 600); maximum supported file size is 8 MB; 2:1 aspect ratio; supported formats: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png.
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_HIDDEN_OP_NODE_TXSSet to true if you want to hide op-node transactionsfalse
NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKENS_UPDATED_ADDRESSSet the address if the token has changed-
NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKENS_UPDATED_NAMESet the token name if the token has changed-
NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKENS_UPDATED_SYMBOLSet the token symbol if the token has changed-

Manual Setup

If you set up blockscout for a Verse, You have to set it up manually.

Backend Setup

Git clone

First, you have to clone oasys-blockscout-v6-backend.

git clone
Set Environment Variables

After that, please set the environment variables to common-blockscout.env along with Environment Variable.

Run Container

Finally, run the container with docker-compose (it may take several tens of minutes for build)

sudo FRONT_PROXY_PASS=http://host.docker.internal:3000 docker compose -f external-frontend.yml up -d
Migrate verifed contract data from v5 to v6

When build new blockscout, verify contract data is always no data so if you want hold verified contract data before on v5. You need migrate data from blockscout v5 to blockscout v6.

Let's run

cd blockscout-v6-backend/migrates/
cp config/.env.sample config/.env

# modify variable
vi config/.env

# start migrate
sudo chmod +x excutes/

Frontend Setup

Git clone

First, you have to clone oasys-blockscout-v6-frontend.

git clone
Set Environment Variables

After that, please set the environment variables to .env.common along with Environment Variable.

Run Container

Finally, run the container with docker-compose (it may take several tens of minutes for build)

docker-compose build 
docker compose up -d

When you finished docker-compose up, you can explore via http://localhost/ or http://localhost:3000/.

Post-Build Checklist

  • UI Checks

    • CSV Download Functionality: Test and ensure CSVs can be downloaded seamlessly without encountering errors.
    • Logo Display: Verify the correct placement and visibility of logos in both the top left header and bottom left footer across night and light modes.
    • Network Listing: Review and confirm the accuracy of the network list displayed.
    • MetaMask Integration: Test the functionality of the button for adding networks to MetaMask, ensuring smooth integration and operation.
  • Verify Contract Feature on Blockscout

    • Confirm that Smart Contracts can be successfully verified, both through the GUI and using the Hardhat via API.
  • Rest API, Graphql

    • Confirm that Rest API and Graphql can be called successfully.
  • Wallet Connect

    • Confirm that Wallet Connect can be connected successfully.
  • Error Log Verification

    • Internal Transactions: Ensure the accurate retrieval of internal transactions without errors from the WebSocket endpoint.
    • Additional Error Logs: Confirm there are no other error logs present that could indicate underlying issues.
  • Monitoring and Alerts

    • CPU and Memory Usage: Monitor server performance during CSV downloads and Smart Contract verifications, ensuring optimal operation.
    • Storage Usage: Verify that storage usage is monitored with configured alerts to notify when predetermined thresholds are surpassed.
    • PostgreSQL Database Load: Check for any load-related issues on the PostgreSQL database serving Blockscout, ensuring it is within operational norms.